Opportuinty的Quote Relatedlist上看不到New button的另一种可能性/One more possibility of missing new button on Opportunity’s Quote Related List

There’re so many reasons cause Quote’s new button missing.

The most common reasons as below:

  1. 没有Quote表的创建权限。/You didn’t have Create permission on Quote Object.
  2. Opportunity Pagelayout上的Quote RelatedList的new button没有勾选。/You didn’t check the new button on Quote RelatedList of Opportunity’s Pagelayout.
  3. 没有开启Quote模块。/You didn’t activate Quote module.

但是,之前在项目上遇到了另外一个原因,在上述三点都做到的前提下,也会导致Quote的New Button消失。
Thus, there is one more reason to cause Quote’s new button not visible although all above conditions had achieved.

这个原因就是Opportunity的Account字段权限。如果profile没有赋予Opportunity的Account字段任何权限,Quote的new button将不会显示。
It’s not grant field permission to Opportunity’s Account field. This will cause the missing of Quote’s new button globally.


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